InDemand RCT

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Apartado exclusivo para emprendedores, con actuaciones adaptadas según diferentes niveles, acceso a subvenciones y herramientas inteligentes
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InDemand RCT
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This is an INFO-led EU-funded Project. The indemand-RCT Project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Programme. It entails performing a Random Control Trial (RCT) to check the efficacy of a new innovation support model for SMEs (inDemand model, innovation driven by demand). It will be put into effect to meet the R&D, digitalisation and Covid-19 response needs identified by LARGE COMPANIES in the Region of Murcia. These companies’ challenges will be compared with inDemand support (co-creation + business support) versus the research of the SMEs to the needs identified without that support.. The project will be carried out in Murcia but the results will be widely disseminated to other regions of Europe.
The main objective of the project will be to compare the inDemand model with Business Co-Creation and Support with the inDemand method without these support services.
Taking into account the differential characteristics, the inDemand model with co-creation and business support is expected to be more successful than the standalone inDemand model. However, this needs to be demonstrated by performing a scientific study comparing both approaches. The results will be analysed and conclusions will be drawn as a means of assessing the trial. This is the aim of the inDemand RCT project.
- INFO: Project coordinator and funder
- IDETRA: Technical Secretariat
- FFISS: Francisco Javier López, an expert in applying RCT methodology
- EASME: the inDemand RCT will be provided with guidance by EASME and NESTA in order to ensure that the RCT methodology setup is as robust as possible. EASME (Executive Agency for SMEs) was established by the European Commission to manage numerous EU programmes on its behalf. These projects fall under the framework of support for SMEs and innovation, environment, climate action, energy and maritime affairs.
NESTA is an innovation foundation based in the United Kingdom. The organisation works through a combination of programmes, investment, policies and research, in addition to training for associations with the aim of driving innovation across a wide range of industries.
- LARGE COMPANIES that launched the challenges based on their R&D, digitalisation and Covid-19 response needs.
- SMEs that will provide solutions to those needs.
The project will last 36 months and the main activities are as follows:
- WP1: Perfection of RCT controls (months 1 to 6)
- WP2: Management of the call to participate (months 6 to 20)
- WP3: Implementation of activities and impact measurement (months 21 to 36)
- WP4: Dissemination and development (months 1 to 36)
- WP5: Project management (months 1 to 36)
INDEMAND-RCT Open Call-Murcia 2021
Prior Notice published at EU Participant Portal
- InDemand-RCT is a project funded by Innosup 6 call entitled “experimentation in innovation agencies”.
- Following such a call, indemand-RCT project entails performing a Random Control Trial (RCT) to check the efficacy of an innovation support model for SMEs (inDemand model, innovation driven by demand). It will be put into effect to meet the innovation, digitalisation and Covid-19 response needs identified by large/tractor companies in the Region of Murcia (Spain). The technological challenges identified by large/tractor companies are from economic sectors included in the Smart Specialisation Strategy of the Murcia region.
- This call consists of some 14 technological challenges related to business innovation, digitalisation and response to covid19 identified by large/tractor companies located in the Murcia region. Such challenges will be identified in an explanatory fiche-dossier available in the guidelines document. SMEs of any Member State of the EU or H2020 associated country are entitled to express interest and apply for providing digital solutions to those challenges. SMEs accepted for the experimentation after the selection process will be randomly inserted in one of the two working groups per challenge, which will offer the following services to SMEs
(+34) 900 700 706
Are you a European SME? Do you want to be part of an experiment that is backed and financed by the EU?
Info Murcia has identified some 13 challenges concerning business Innovation, digitalisation and response to Covid … these 14 challenges search for SMEs thay may provide technological solutions
To know more about those 13 challenges: CALL INDEMAND-RCT 2021
- 13 business challenges from real challengers of the Region of Murcia have been the subject of innovative development by Spanish, German, Italian and Israeli SMEs. Companies are charged to find the best technological solutions to these challenges
- Under the double formula: intervention group and control group, solver SMEs were assigned ALEATORY FORM to these groups in February 2022
- Until November 2022, SMEs have been working on the best solution to the challenges under the formula of a challenge sheet and encouragement to co-creation (intervention group) or simply with the challenge sheet
- An expert hired by the project has tutored the co-creation process for the companies randomly hosted in the intervention group (Cluster TicBiomed)
- The activity reports on the proposed solutions have culminated the process of open innovation, giving way to the assessment by the challengers of the best solution found and the possibility of implementing such a technological solution to the challenge posed
- A qualitative analysis carried out by an expert hired by the project (UCAM University) has concluded the process by providing the assessment of the degree of satisfaction of the project for the participating companies (challengers and solvers)
- A final evaluation of the adequate performance of the RCT experimentation as well as the major findings obtained by INFO Murcia are to close up the project.
- Two communication events for dissemination of project results will take place in May 2023: one in the region of Murcia and another virtual internationally
- Two experts have monitored the whole “randomized control trial” on business challenges and solutions (Nesta group and FFIS)
- The preparation of the final activity report for the EU will end the implementation of the InDemand-RCT project (supervision from Idetra consulting)


Departamento de iniciativas europeas
900 700 706