Murcia Industry 4.0

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Murcia Industria 4.0 (Murcia Industry 4.0) aims to foster technological business projects run by industrial SMEs in the Region of Murcia. It aspires to establish clear competitive advantages by implementing digital technologies in industry, enabling collaboration between devices and systems, as well as with other industries, in order to improve products, processes and business models. We are talking about high levels of automation and digitalisation in SME industrial manufacturing plants, converting them into ‘intelligent factories’.
What can it be used for?
For strengthening competitive capabilities in SMEs by:
- Developing a local industrial policy with a global vision - ‘GloCal’ industry.
- Improving human resources for industry with a global vision and specialist skills.
- Attracting resources and developing strategic infrastructures for the industry of the future.
- Fomenting cooperation and industrial clusters - encouraging strategic alliances.
- Attracting investment with an intelligent specialist vision.
What are does it cover?
Human resources 4.0, technology enablers, industrial transformation 4.0, cluster cooperation 4.0 and improvements in production.
What are the aims?
- To give industry a boost and generate quality employment
- To increase industrial sector competitiveness in global markets
- To achieve digital transformation and innovation in industrial environments
How does it work?
The strategy is a joint collaboration between the Directorate General of Energy and Industrial and Mining Activity, the Directorate General for Simplifying Business Activity and the Digital Economy, and Instituto de Fomento.
Further information
900 700 706